Tactical mistakes Hitler could have
made and how he could correct these errors?
Hitler, a rigid, insecure, close minded, rare, serious, extremely discipline man. The characteristics of this man led him to mistakes. His closed mind that thought that there was only one way to do things, made him commit some tactical mistakes mostly made after Germany was losing the war, due to the strategic mistakes.
"From where once the German soldier plants his foot, he never withdraws!” this idea that Hitler had; as a result, he lost many soldiers. German troops were often forced to stand and die in a place instead of withdrawing and fighting another day.
Once Hitler invaded Russia his next mistake was on being to impulsive in his actions. He wanted to take Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad and the Caucuses oil fields. There were simply not enough troops and supplies to do it all at once. Hitler was so utterly besotted with his idea of German superiority, that he could not accept the idea that everything he ordered to be done was very risky and it could not be done. Thus he absolutely refused to listen to anyone who ever tried to tell him that something was not possible. And he wasted hundreds of thousands, if not millions of troops only to defend a place that could have been abandoned.
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